Portia Simpson Miller educational background The woman is far from dunce!

Portia Simpson Miller educational background The woman is far from dunce!

Mrs. Portia Simpson Miller educationbackground. she holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration, also a Certificate in Public Relations and Advance Management from the Union Institute and Univerisity of Cincinnati, Ohio. She also completed the Executive Program for Leaders at John F Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Most who make those distasteful comments about Mrs Miller being dunce, are not even knowledgeable of what State Harvard University is located. Smh.
Mrs. Miller’s political career began in 1974 when she joined the People’s National Party serving as a member of the City Council of Kingston; she later became a Member of Parliament in 1976. She has served as Minister of: Labor and Welfare, Sports, Social Security and Sports, and Tourism. Her first Ministerial appointment was as the Minister of Labor, Welfare and Sports in 1989.

Mrs Miller: was named as one of Time Magazine “100 Most Influential Persons in the World” in 2012.
-She Is Jamaica’s first female Prime Minister.
-Received the Bureau of Women’s Affairs Award for outstanding contribution to the advancement of women’s affairs in Jamaica.
-Was the leading architect of Jamaica’s Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development


Mrs. Miller inspires me because she reminds me that it doesn’t matter where you are from, it doesn’t matter your financial or social situation, you can be whoever you want to be with hard work, determination and a never-give-up spirit.

Mrs. Miller is an unpretentious, real woman who doesn’t apologize for who she Is, or where she comes from. I may not support her political party, love her fashion sense, or agree with the direction in which she took my home country, but I can support and raise my hatoff to the fabulous, formidable, tremendous woman that she is.