Wayne Marshall Talks on Getting Arrested and Jailed in USA for “Weed” Years Ago
During a lengthy talk about his career and journey in the music industry, Wayne Marshall spoke about a moment in his past when he got in trouble with the law by accident. Wayne Marshall, speaking with Kshema Francis on Levelz With Kshema, was asked about a time when he experienced one of the biggest setbacks in his career.
According to him, it was when he was arrested at an airport in the United States of America for the possession of narcotics.
Recounting the incident, the entertainer said, “This was when my career was basically up and running…this was in 2005…the year that…I got my first child…I was travelling to go to Orlando now and low and behold I’m going through TSA and TSA searching my bag.”

Wayne Marshall said that he was not worried about his bag being searched, however, he did not know that a bag of weed was in a hidden pocket in his bag.
“Yuh nuh know seh the man open one likkle zipper, like a secret zipper, it was like a nike bag…and the man open it and take out one likkle bag a weed suh and say ‘hey buddy, man I’d like to help you but I can’t’…dem time deh mi nuh know weh dah weed deh come from.” he said.
Apparently, one of his friends had put the weed in the bag for safe keeping while they were on a trip in Jamaica, and it had gotten left there.
Wayne mentioned, “Mi end up a guh round the world wid di bag ennuh, and it was not until that day when the man guh suh and open the zip and find di ting and right then and there a handcuff and jail mi deh.”
The incident resulted in the artiste losing his travel documents and being unable to travel to the United States for years to come. “It was a huge setback for me in my career, especially where I was in my career,” he voiced.
The interview was shared online on July 23, 2024
Watch the interview below: