Tommy Lee Sparta Lottery Scam Case Dismissed Deejay Exonerated
Tommy Lee Sparta is now a free man after prosecutors dropped his lottery scam case.
Tommy Lee Spata, born Leroy Russell, is now breathing a sigh of relief after his lottery scam case was dismissed. His co-defendant O’Brian Smith also saw the charges against him dropped. In 2014, the pair were jointly charged for breaches of the Law Reform (Fraudulent Transactions Special Provisions) Act.
“This case has been a dark cloud over Tommy Lee’s head for years, and now he can put it behind him,” a rep for the deejay told Urban Islandz. “For years the police force has been targeting the artist with all types of crimes that he is not guilty of. This is just another clear sign that they are just trying to fabricate a case against him.”
On Wednesday, the court got a chance to view the controversial laptop at the heart of the police investigation. A senior police officer testified in court that he found thousands of files on HP Pavilion laptop in a folder with Tommy Lee Sparta’s name.
Detective Corporal Campbell told the court that the files contain detail information about United States Citizens, as well as, letters sent to two elderly persons informing them that they won two Mercedes-Benz and millions of dollars.
Tommy Lee Sparta pleaded not guilty to the charges and his attorney Ernest Smith submitted a no case submission to the courts after yesterday’s hearing.
“In an effort to prove its case, the prosecution has placed its life on the contents of a laptop and external hard drive,” Smith said. “My Lady, in the first instance, the prosecution must prove that on the gadgets on which they rely, were in the sole possession of either or both accused, individually or jointly.”