NINJA MAN sentencing postponed until Monday
Ninjaman sentencing in the Supreme Court in on Friday was pushed back to Monday.
The sentencing hearing was off to a rocky start due to a shortage of handcuff used by the police detail who escort prisoners to court. The deejay’s attorney told the court that officers had a delay in bringing the convicted deejay to court because of same handcuff shortage. Nevertheless, Ninjaman, his son Janiel, and Dennis Clayton made it to court only to learn that their sentencing is being pushed back to Monday.
The judge pushed back the hearing to Monday because the attorney representing Clayton was not in court and a character witness had to leave the court before the hearing gets underway. Ninjaman, real name Desmond Ballentine, his son Janiel, and Dennis Clayton were found guilty of murder on November 20th by a seven-member jury. The deejay was seen clad in a blue suit being escorted to court by a heavy police detail. He has been behind bars since October and will likely be spending the rest of his life in prison for murder.
According to the prosecution, Ninjaman and his two co-accused shot and killed Ricardo Johnson on Marl Road, Kingston 13 in March 2009. The killing stemmed from a domestic dispute over kitchen space. A witness, who is now in witness protection, identified Ninjaman as the man who pulled the trigger. The unnamed witness testified in court that he was shot at but managed to escape the rain of bullets and ran for his life.