Even Usain Bolt from Jamaica, one of the greatest runners and athletes of all time, showed RESPECT for our National Anthem!

President Trump Uses Usain Bolt To Justify Beef With NFL Players Over National Anthem
President Trump is now using the great legend Usain Bolt as a means to justify his beef with NFL players over the national anthem.
In case you have been living off the grid for a while, last weekend Trump ignite another firestorm at a political rally when he bashed NFL players who kneel during the playing of the national anthem, calling them SOBs. There has been widespread backlash over his statement and he has been tweeting about it since last weekend.
His latest tweet is a video of Usain Bolt at The London 2012 Summer Olympics where he was doing an interview after winning a gold medal. Bolt stopped the interview while the national anthem of the United States was being played so he could stand and pay respect. “Even Usain Bolt from Jamaica, one of the greatest runners and athletes of all time, showed RESPECT for our National Anthem!” Trump wrote on Twitter in his latest campaign against the NFL players who take a knee during the national anthem.
Usain Bolt immediately became a trending topic on Twitter and a lot of his fans are saying that he shouldn’t be dragged into this.
During an interview with ESPN last year September, Usain Bolt spoke about Colin Kaepernick who started the take a knee protest movement in the NFL. “Everyone has the right to their own opinion,” Bolt said. “If you feel strongly about something and you want to voice your opinion, I feel it’s your right, so, that’s how I look at it because that’s how life is.”