Donald Trump robs Jamaican woman and gets away with it.

Donald Trump robs Jamaican woman and gets away with it.

A federal judge threw out Jamaican fashion model Alexia Palmer’s case against Donald Trump’s modeling agency on Wednesday.


Palmer had filed the proposed class action lawsuit in 2014, alleging that Trump Model Management recruits foreign models under the H-1B visa program with promises of wages that never materialize and defrauds the U.S. government on visa applications.

The Jamaican model received net payments of less than $5,000 over the course of three years, despite the fact that the agency told the Department of Labor on its official visa application that the model would receive “at least $75,000” a year, court documents show.

A federal judge dismissed the case, stating that alleged violations of immigration law must first be taken to the Department of Labor, which is tasked with ensuring that both U.S. and foreign workers are paid the wages required by law.

Trump Model Management attorney Lawrence Rosen said that the judge’s decision validated the firm’s argument that the case had no merit. “We are obviously very pleased with the outcome, as is Mr. Trump,” said attorney Lawrence Rosen.

Donald Trump has a long track record of taking disrespecting and taking advantage of women. An ex-wife of Trump even accused the billionaire of raping her.

Original Source: 18karatreggae