VIDEO: Two Pastor Fight On JUTC Bus In Jamaica

VIDEO: Two Pastor Fight On JUTC Bus In Jamaica

Fight between the two pastors instigated by one collecting more money than the other.

It can be said that Jamaica is never short on humour especially while travelling on public transportations. But on this occasion a group of passengers had to “take bad things make laugh” when they witness two Pastors who should be spreading the word of God and demonstrating the correct way of life instead decided to “bus a fight” on a JUTC Bus inJamaica.

In a video uploaded to facebook the two alleged church figures started to argue over what appeared to be an invasion of earning territory. The fight appeared to have been fuelled by one individual collecting more money than the other for preaching performances.

Even though it was a humorous sight to behold this kind of behaviour only helps to deteriorate an already dying respect for pastors in the country. There is already a stigma attached that pastors only preach for collections then don’t actually practice what they preach.