Why white women love Rastas.

Why white women love Rastas.

There is no law of attraction between men and women, still it is said that many white women are attracted to Black Rastas. Every year hundreds of thousands of white women, travel to the Caribbean islands in search of Rasta men.

So what are the reasons why so many white women are attracted to Rasta men?

Many white women, particularly inwestern culture have pressures where they feel that they always have to be “on.” Or that they must fit into a mold of expectationsby society, or that as a mom, as a wife, etc. there is very little room for some realauthentic “me time.” So, perhaps traveling to the Caribbean islands, to spend some time with a laid back easy-going Rasta, is the fastest, most relaxing way to enjoy a realgetaway.

In the song “Dem belly full”, Bob Marley sings: “forget your sorrows and dance… forget your sickness and dance… forget you weakness and dance.” What better way is their to forget all your sickness than by listening to some reggae and smoking marijuana? What better better place is there in the world to be listening reggae and smoking marijuana than in Jamaica with a Rasta man?

It is no secret than marijuana is an aphrodisiac, so naturally, smoking marijuana and listening to reggae will lead to other things. The other thing is the most important reason that white women love Rastas, they want Mandingo.

While discussing Rastas and white women, it is important not to mix up a real Rasta man with a dread. A real Rasta love is Black queen like Bob Marley loved Rita. A dread will not leave Babylon unless a white woman is leaving with him. A real Rasta dreams of holy Mount Zion. A dread does not want to set foot in Mount Zion unless there is a white woman waiting there for him.