Man climbs prison walls, hands ganja to inmates

Man climbs prison walls, hands ganja to inmates

A St Catherine man who recently appeared before RM Horace Mitchell on charges of breaching the Correctional Act was sentenced to 30 days at hard labour, suspended for two years.

The accused, Roger Davies, first breathed a sigh of relief. However, when the judge enquired if he had committed any offences before and an affirmative given, RM Mitchel withdrew the sentencing.

“How many offenses have you been charged with?” asked RM Mitchell.

Then Davies uttered a sentence that caused a stir in the courtroom.

“A lot your honour, nuff more dan 20. Yu see your honour, I’m an in de street youth so mi always a do road,” Davies said matter-of-factly.

Davies allegedly jumped the 20 foot walls to the Portmore cell and was caught giving items to prisoners including ganja.

“I am going to send you to prison cause I can fine and confine you,” RM Mitchell said.

His records were then ordered and he will return on September 14, 2015 for sentencing.