Birthday Big Up: Barack Obama

Birthday Big Up: Barack Obama

The President of the United States turns 54 today!

The White House is probably buzzing with a little more activity than usual this morning because the man of the hour is celebrating his big day. Love him or hate him, there’s no denying that the POTUS has affected some positive changes during his tenure in office. Birthday Big Up celebrates the president’s birthday by sharing 8 facts about his life.

• He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to a mother from Kansas named Stanley Ann Dunham, and a father from Kenya named Barack Obama Sr.

• He worked his way all through college, even when he attended Harvard Law School.

• He was known as “O’Bomber” at high school for his skill at basketball.

• His name means “one who is blessed” in Swahili.

• His favourite meal is wife Michelle’s shrimp linguini.

• He would have liked to be an architect if he were not a politician.

• He has read every Harry Potter book.

• He ate dog meat, snake meat, and roasted grasshopper while living in Indonesia.

Happy Birthday Mr. President!