Barack Obama books entire Kingston hotel?

Barack Obama books entire Kingston hotel?

As Jamaica prepares to welcome US President Barack Obama, a source close to the Washington delegation has revealed that an entire hotel in Kingston has been booked out for the trip.

According to the source, the hotel which boasts approximately 300 rooms will be occupied entirely by the president and his Washington delegation, who will arrive on the evening of April 8th, instead of the originally disclosed date of April 9th.

According to the source, many Caribbean leaders are currently finding it difficult to locate hotel rooms in Kingston. The Trinidadian Prime Minister, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, is one such leader, according to the source. Persad-Bissessar reportedly tried to make a reservation at the hotel where the US President is staying but was refused, as the hotel cited it was at its capacity.

Its revealed that the hotel in question is entirely booked on the dates of April 8th and April 9th.