10 facts about Kamla Persad-Bissessar (Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister)

10 facts about Kamla Persad-Bissessar (Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister)

Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad-Bissessar has made drastic changes in her Cabinet by dimissing her Attorney General and Minister of National Security.

Persad-Bissessar raised some eyebrows and spawned a number of memes on social media following her recent address to the nation in which she announced a number of changes to the Cabinet. She has made 20 Cabinet changes since she became Prime Minister.

However, there is more to Persad-Bissessar than what happens in Cabinet, Loop has rounded up 1o facts about Trinidad and Tobago’s very own Iron Lady.


1. Persad-Bissessar was born on April 4, 1952.

2. Her hometown is Siparia in southern Trinidad.

3. She attended the University of the West Indies, Norwood Technical College in England, and the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad and Tobago.

4. The Prime Minister was awarded a Bachelor of Arts with honours, a Diploma in Education, a Bachelor of Laws with honours and a Legal Education Certificate. In 2006 she obtained an Executive Masters in Business Administration (EMBA) from the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, Trinidad.

5. She taught at the St Andrew High School for Girls in Kingston, Jamaica and at the UWI Mona Campus.

6. Persad-Bissessar follows both the Hindu and Christian faiths.

7. On April 26th, 2006, Persad-Bissessar became the first woman in the twin island republic to hold the position of Leader of the Opposition.

8. She became the Leader of the Opposition for a second time on February 25, 2010; this was almost one month after she was elected political leader of the United National Congress.

9. Persad-Bissessar is the first woman to hold the office of Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

10. She is married to Dr Gregory Bissessar and has one son.

Loop News Service