10 things that ‘define a true Comrade ’ (PNP)
today’s presentation includes a somewhat light-hearted compilation of 10 things that define a true ‘Comrade’. Of course, the same was done in respect of the ‘Labourites’, with a sense of colour and even a bit of humour being interjected into both compilations.
A similar word of caution again: don’t take it all too seriously; remember, it’s the official‘silly season’, right?
Here goes with the defining attributes of a true ‘Comrade’.
1. It’s in the blood: I was born a Comrade and will die a Comrade, like my parents andgrandparents before.
2. Only a true Comrade actually believes that MIA has suddenly shifted from ‘Missing in Action’ to ‘Mama in Action’.
3. Michael Manley gave us free education and legal rights as poor Jamaicans, so respect due fi dat!
4. Fear and rejection of the Tivoli Gardens influence on local politics, but no fear of the ‘Clansman’ etc over ‘Spain’ and elsewhere.
5. Expectations of benefits somewhere along the line for devoted service to the party – ‘hand guh weh packy come’.
6. The PNP is the only way (option) for Jamaica. The word ‘Labourite’ should be changed to ‘Labour-wrong’.
7. The viewpoint that JLP leaders look out for themselves (their own personal and business interests, like the Holness mansion), while Comrade leaders look out for the party, the people and each other.
8. Devotion (not necessarily in the religious sense), to group meetings at the local level, which are widely viewed as a real extension of the decision-making process at Party Headquarters. PNP group meetings are attended because of conviction and ‘cause’, even if the national interests sometimes have a hard time getting into the mix of party interests, asymptom which is also known to afflict the Belmont Road posse.
9. Every Comrade is considered a good Comrade, who has the best interest of the party foremost in mind at all times.
10. The PNP is family; not just the gathering of minds that you have in the JLP.
story credit: 3jamaica