10 Best Wedding Locations in Jamaica

10 Best Wedding Locations in Jamaica

Looking for the perfect spot on the island to have a wonderful life experience while tying the knot or jumping the broom?

One of these locations is likely to be the venue of your dreams and the perfect spot to exchange vows:

1) On the beach – pick a beach, any beach, from Negril to Port Antonio (i.e. from one end of the island to the other) a beachwedding in Jamaica is always a dream wedding

2) On the cliffs in Negril – imagine exchanging vows on cliffs overlooking the beautiful, deep blue Caribbean Sea, with the setting sun as a backdrop.

3) Firefly in St. Mary – located in the hills of St.Mary with an awesome view overlooking the sea, is the old vacation home of Sir Noël Peirce Coward, a British playwright, composer, director, actor and singer. The home and its expansive yard have been the venue for many beautiful weddings.

4) Strawberry Hill – located in the hills above Kingston, is the exclusive Strawberry Hill Boutique Hotel, with an awesome view of wedding perfectness.

5) Treasure Beach – one of the most laid back places you’ll ever find. Pick a villa and say your vows.

6) Good Hope Estate – looking for a rustic, old world type venue? Centuries ago, Good Hope was a sugar cane plantation. Now, its great house and lawn could be the venue for your perfect wedding.

7) Geejam – an exclusive boutique hotel that is perfect for small weddings.

8) Sandals & Beaches Resorts – world renown for their weddings-in-a box.

9) Hope Gardens – one of the most well-kept green areas in Jamaica’s capital, Kingston.

10) Lovers’ Leap – a 1700 foot-high cliff overlooking the sea with a beautiful love story to go with it.
