ISCF members begin transfer to Jamaica Constabulary Force today
Assistant Commissioner of Police in charge of Mobile Reserve Winchroy Budhoo (left) exchanges the ISCF Chevron (blue) for the JCF one (red and yellow) with a newly sworn member, formerly of the ISCF.
KINGSTON, Jamaica — Members of the Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF) who had signed and submitted letters of re-assignment issued by the Commissioner of Police are to be sworn in today, May 2.
In addition, the transfer of ISCF members deferred pending the outcome of a challenge in the Supreme Court to the merger is now to take effect.
A merger of the two arms of the police force the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and the ISCF was announced by Cabinet in February 2014.
However the ISCF Association last month obtained an injunction in the Supreme Court to block the merger of the policing bodies. The attempt was struck out on Thursday May 1.
The Supreme Court’s decision has now cleared the way for the merger of the ISCF (blue seam) and the JCF (red seam) to proceed.
source: jamaica observer